Construction, Plant Building and Façades

Executives and specialists from these sectors are highly demanded on national and international level. With knowledge, contacts and devotion for this subject they are constantly setting new standards.

Besides an increasing competition and rising costs for materials, the skill shortage is one of the greatest challenges for the companies. The search for personnel becomes more and more difficult and cost-intensive. Particularly specialists like experienced site managers, project managers and calculators are hard to be recruited on the job market.


Current forecasts in the construction sector predict further positive development in germany with a focus on building technology. With over-average growth expectations, the home construction is seen as the growth engine. Growth areas are renovation, reconstruction and – with constraints – new building.

Plant Building

Fossil fuels are playing a vital role in the process of energy transition. The increasing part of renewable energies lead to a surplus, that is subject to natural variations. The necessary flexibility can only partially be reached with batteries, imports or adaption to the short-term demand. Because of that, fossil power plants will be of special importance for the current supply in the next 20 years.


The branch has set milestones in innovation by implementing steel/glass-façades, aluminum/glass-façades or metal façades, post and beam façades or floating façades, structural glazing, element façades, double skin façades and hereby given the building shells with high recognition value.

Successful entrepreneurs in modern front building need a profound experience in planning, construction and implementation of different façade types and construction systems, and have to know very well the construction materials and their processing methods. Further they need knowledge in the project management and assembling.

An executive will only perform on a high level with advanced professionalism if he is enthusiastic about his employer and if he shares the company’s objectives. In the process of selecting the suitable candidate these are the factors to be focused on. We connect people with your company and contribute sustainably to the success of your enterprise.

Contact Person Construction, Plant Building and Façades

Elke Ludwig
+49 2624 1854915
Ella Neff
+49 151 17 858 553
Nicole Osbelt
+49 9826 8729000